
Declaration of Compliance
Toward a true worldwide company
In recent years, public awareness of company activities has greatly increased, impacted by the progress of a diversifying and aging society, along with the globalization and digitalization of economic activities. Corporate dishonesty and scandals are no longer permitted, and investors have become more sensitive to a company’s scandals than to their accomplishments. As indicated by recent news, corporate scandal exerts an enormous influence and may cause abrupt fall in the value or even closure of a company.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the most important task of any company, to enhance the value of the company, and also to win the confidence of society, clients and investors. At SNBL INA Ltd., we focus on this thorough “Compliance” and “Corporate Governance” as our mainmanagement principles.
This “INA Compliance Handbook” includes important matters of compliance. We, the employees of SNBL INA Ltd., declare to always give top priority to thorough Compliance in all business activities in accordance with this Handbook.
Kenshi Nakagawa
President, Chief Executive Officer
Compliance Code of Conduct (INA’s Code of Conduct)
Effective February 26, 2008
We make every effort to be our clients’ best partner by supporting the development of medicinal products and devices, food, chemicals, etc., not only to contribute to the better health of the humanrace, but also remain a company that is always 100% reliable.
In order to archive this, strict compliance with national laws and regulations is the first priority in our business activities. This in turn increases corporate value.
INA established the following Compliance Code of Conduct. All employees should follow this and act faithfully.
- We will follow the corporate ethics, laws, regulations and rules.
- We will contribute to the best of our ability, by drawing upon our wealth of knowledge and providing reliable services, and with awareness, as a company involved in medical development.
- We will follow the legal standards related to our business such as GLP and GCP.
- We will fulfill agreements or engagements concluded with external persons.
- We will acquire an international way of thinking and conduct business activities in deference to foreign culture and customs.
- We will pay serious attention to our relationship with stockholders, investors, employees, clients, and the local community.
- We will keep trying to sustain an inventive approach to make our work more effective and efficient.
- We will keep trying to be fair to all employees and clients.
- We will not use any company property for private purposes.
- We will never have any relationship with any antisocial forces, but will confront them.
- We will administer company information accurately and disclose it timely and appropriately.
Prevention of Improper Experiments
Since we are responsible for critical research and development, prevention of improper animal experiments is a high priority for our compliance activities. We have set in place our own “Policy for the prevention of improper experiments”, in compliance with the “Guidelines for Responding to Misconduct in Research (Adopted August 26, 2014 by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), in which appropriate measures are defined when any questions that mayarises in our research activities.