SEND Support Services

Ina Research offers comprehensive support services widely spreading from preparation of SEND data package to FDA application.  In cooperation with PDS LifeScience, a knowledgeable solution provider for SEND, we are constantly updating our services to respond changing requirements in a timely manner.


  • Preparation of SEND data package (In-house/Contract studies)
  • Quality check and verification of SEND data package

As a Leading Company

The highest risk to avoid is a loss of time and cost with are occurred in data rejection by FDA.  Since Ina Research has passed FDA trial application without any errors, continuously improving services and organization furthermore.

Speed & Flexibility

With flexiblity to meet various requests, not limited to the our own studies, we respond to the ones conducted by the others.  Also, integration of data from multisite studies will be possible.  We dedicate our best effort to provide services as quickly as possible.