Corporate History

Corporate History
1974 JulyFounding of Shinshu Non-Clinical Laboratory Center
(private limited company)
1978 March Incorporated
1983 AprilPharmaceutical GLP enforcement and started GLP studies
1986 AugustStarted Agricultural Chemicals GLP study
1989 JulyChanged company name to SNBL INA Ltd.
1994 AprilEstablished a subsidiary INARP in the Philippines
2003 AprilCompletion of Building 5
2005 FebruaryFull accreditation from AAALAC International
2005 DecemberCompletion of Building 6
2008 JuneListed on the Japanese stock market (Tokyo Securities Exchange Co., Ltd.).
2008 JulyCompletion of Building 7
2010 JanuaryCompletion of Building 8
2016 DecemberJoint research with Yuji Shiba, Shinshu University, published in Nature
2019 NovemberShinshu University established Gene and Cell Therapy Research and Development Center (CARS) on SNBL INA building.
2022 AugustDelisted, and become a subsidiary of SNBL